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RM Greyhound Lays Review

RM Greyhound Lays Review

RM Greyhound Lays Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potential
Comments Rating 4 (1 review)


From the same tipster as the RM Greyhound Tips service comes RM Greyhound Lays and both services are well worth joining, with this one, however, if you do not know what laying is, it could be a waste of time.


One of very few greyhound laying services




Knowledge of laying is a must

Welcome to my RM Greyhound Lays Review page, I want to give you a little more information about this greyhound laying service that has shown much promise over the last 8 months or so.

Update: October 2020 – RM no longer resides at Tipsters Empire

You can get an alternative to RM Greyhound Lays here

Service Name: RM Greyhound Lays

Tipping Style:  Normal

Service Price: £2.99 for a 28-day trial then £34.99/per month £87.50/Quarter £157.50/Bi-Annually or £279.99 per year.

Platform: Website/Email/App

Profitable: Yes

Hosted By: Tipsters Empire

Service Headline: “RM Greyhounds provides very knowledgeable and insightful write-ups with his Back service, and his new Lay service is no different.

A Lay bet is betting a Greyhound to lose. Laying is essentially the opposite to backing, you are laying it (betting) to lose. 

All Lay bets are placed on exchanges, such as Betfair and Betdaq”

Where To Join: Tipstersempire,

Average Number Of Selections Per Month: 160-180

RM Greyhound Lays Review – Money Back Guarantee: Yes 30 days

You can get a 28 Day Trial of RM Greyhound Lays here

RM Greyhound Lays Review – How Does It Work?

RM Greyhound Lays is a lay betting service meaning that the selections advised are intended to lose, and you back them to lose.

Here is an example of two past winners

23/03/2020 20:23 Nottingham – Jet Black
Lacks early gear last win back in November, vulnerable on recent form.

23/03/2020 20:51 Nottingham – Sybarite
Vulnerable on recent form, running below par at present, old timer has mileage in book.

I would certainly recommend you find out what a lay bet is properly if you are not completely sure before joining this service.

Selections are sent out in the afternoon or early evening the day before each selection race.

These are sent via text message and also contain a link to log in should you wish to read the full write-up for each selection.

200 points is the recommended start for your betting bank. If you use £5 per point – £1,000 betting bank, £10 per point – £2,000 betting bank and so on.

RM has two services RM Greyhound Tips and now RM Greyhound Lays both have been highly successful services, as you can see by RM Lays’ detailed results below.

rm greyhound lays review stats
Click image to see full detailed results for the last year and onwards
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Racking up over £2000 profit to £10 stakes RM Greyhound lays is certainly another service you should consider from Tipsters Empire, in fact, I fully recommend that you take advantage of their full portfolio option which gives you access to 5 hot tipsters for one small monthly payment.

There is a distinct lack of greyhound tipsters out there that can actually deliver profitable results long term but RM is doing and has been doing so for a long time and not with a single service but now two.

You can get a 28 Day Trial of RM Greyhound Lays here

The RM Greyhound Lays Service – What Are Your Thoughts?

Have you used the RM Greyhound Racing Lays service before? Please create your review and leave star ratings based on your findings when being a member of this service. This enables other readers to make an informed decision on joining the tipster in question.

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One Response

  1. Jez
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