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GDPR And How We Protect Your Data

GDPR And How We Protect Your Data

This is our GDPR and how we protect your data page…

A summary of your new rights, with new Data Protection laws that came into place a few years ago…

  1. The right to be informed – How and when we collect your data
  2. Right of access – Request a copy of all information held and query why it is being processed
  3. Right to rectification – Correction of all data being held on file
  4. Right to data portability – Reuse the same information on multiple services
  5. Right to restrict processing – Block any further processing of your data
  6. Right to be forgotten – The ability to have all of your data deleted
  7. Right to object – Object to marketing information
  8. Automation and profiling rights – Protect your information against automated decisions from systems

Our GDPR Policy addresses all of these, including telling you how to unsubscribe if you do not wish to receive emails from us in the future. If you have any queries please email us and we will be glad to help

We will endeavour to deal with all requests as promptly and professionally as possible but please do allow up to 48 hours for a reply.

This concludes our GDPR And How We Protect Your Data information page.

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