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Ed Culham Tips Review

Ed Culham Tips Review – Dropping Off In 2023

Ed Culham Tips Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potential
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One of a few good horse racing tipsters on the Tipsters Empire network, This one does not come with their full portfolio membership but is still worth joining and adding to your own portfolios.


Trusted Platform

Quality write-ups

Profitable horse racing tips


Does not come in the full portfolio package

Welcome to my Ed Culham Tips review, I am going to take a closer look at Tipsters Empire’s new horse racing tipster service and see whether it is profitable long term or not.

On the same platform as Cotswold Racing, and delivering as profitable results too. Read the Cotswold Racing review for more info on that horse tipster.

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This service launched in June/July 2019 and has quickly racked up over £1700 in profit at the time of writing this review with a huge ROI of over 45%.

Service Name: Ed Culham Tips

Headline: “ Although I was too young to remember it, my grandmother was a permit holder and had a few winners over jumps at courses like Perth, Carlisle, and Musselburgh. Her passion for racing must have been passed on.

For me there is nothing that beats watching racehorses in full flow, gliding over the turf, or conversely slogging through heavy going in an attritional 3-mile chase. Much of my time spent watching racing has been from my home courses of Carlisle, Ayr, and Hamilton, as well as some of the larger courses around the UK.

I believe that there is virtually no knowledge that can’t be gained from watching a horse run, and racing fans are now fortunate with such comprehensive race replay services enabling us to be ‘everywhere at once.”

Service Cost: £2.99 28 days trial option, £40 a month and cheaper the longer membership length you choose

Where To Join: Ed Culham On Tipsters Empire

Platform: Tipsters Empire

Ed Culham Tips Review – Is He Profitable Long Term?

Ed Culham’s tipping service is only going to cost you £49 for 3 months and there is no subscription its a one-off payment and if you choose not to renew after you will not be charged anything more.

I recommend taking advantage of the full portfolio at Tipsters Empire which gives you every tipsters service for a lower fee.

ed culham tips review stats

There is a 28-day trial option with all tipsters at Tipsters Empire and as always I recommend you go for the trial option before jumping straight into full memberships.

Selections are sent out via text message with the tips attached where you can also log into your member’s account to view the full write-ups etc, this is a choice though and you can simply just view selections from the texts.

Texts are usually sent out the day before racing or early in the morning on the day of racing, so you will have more than enough time to get the best odds available.

Profit wise Ed Culham has already racked up over £700 in just 7 months as you can see from the profit chart below (starting bank was £1000).

You can get a 28-Day Trial Of Ed Culham Tips Today When You Click Here

ed culham profit loss graph combined results
Click the button to see full in-depth stats for Ed Culham Tips


Averaging over £113 a month in profit and costing around £16 a month membership this means you are going to be averaging around £97 clear profit by joining this tipster every month.

Overall I give Ed Culham the thumbs up for Horse Racing betting, take the trial and see for yourself.

You can get a 28 day trial of Ed Culham’s tipping service at Tipsters Empire when you click here

Thanks for reading the review of Ed Culham, Now add your own review below.

June 2023 Update

Ed Culhams’s form has pretty much dropped off a cliff for 2023, but we will continue to keep you up to date on his performances going forward.

MonthProfit/LossRunning Profit/Loss 2023
Jan 2023£38£38
Feb 2023£53.50£91.50
Mar 2023-£68.50£23
Apr 2023-£29.50-£6.50
May 2023£18.18£11.68
June 2023£165£176.68
July 2023-£80.5£96.18

It may be worth just following him for now to see if his form reverses.

Your Ed Culham Tips Reviews

Have you tried Ed Culham Tips service before or are you a current member of Tipsters Empire’s tipping platform in general? Please leave your own review for this tipster for horse racing and the Tipsters Empire tipping platform itself for others to read and digest.

Find more of the best horse racing tipsters in the profitable tipsters section of this website.

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