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betting in the know review

Betting In The Know Review

Hi, this isn’t really a Betting In The Know Review as this horse racing tipster service closed a while ago, though many of you still ask about it so I thought I would clear up why Betting In The Know closed in 2018.

Horse Racing tips from Betting In The Know were quite popular when it launched back in 2014 often achieving above 20% ROI.

This of course was until the results started to slump drastically and the bad reviews started to pour in, as far as I can see the service closed around 2018, and the tipster has not been seen since.

This is of course unless he has rebranded under a different name as often tipsters do, that being said it was a good horse racing tips service before the slump.

Alternatives to Betting In The Know

With Betting In The Know no longer existing you may want to take a look at the following alternative horse racing tipsters, all have shown a very good track record and are still currently consistent at the time of writing.

BlueBlood Racing Tipster Review

Blueblood Racing Tipster

Tipsters Empire have around 6 quality horse racing tipsters on their books and this is just one of them (I recommend trying each of their tipping services).

Blueblood offers horse racing selections with high-quality write-ups and reasoning behind his tips, his ROI at the time of writing is 32.06% and he is in very good form for 2021.

Click here to try Blueblood Racing for 28 days | Blueblood Racing tipster review

cleeve exclusive deal

Another tipster service worth a try on the horses is Cleeve Racing and if you use my exclusive link you can get 1 month for as little as £10 on trial.

Cleeve has been around for 6 years plus now and continues to offer profitable horse racing selections on a weekly basis.

Click here to try Cleeve at 75% discount for one month | Cleeve Racing Review

Free Horse Racing Tips

Not everybody wants to pay for high-quality selections and they are just after a quick free tip for today’s horse racing, so if you want free horse racing tips why not try out my YouTube Channel here.

Alternatively, you can get free horse racing tips from the following websites and tipster portals.

  • Tipstrr (free to Join and thousands of free tipsters for all sports)
  • Tipsters Empire (join their newsletter)
  • JPW (join newsletter)

there are plenty of places to find free tips but the above options give higher quality selections for free in a way as a free sample of what the paid tips are like.

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