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Horse Racing’s biggest events

When Is UK Horse Racing Coming Back?

Horse Racing has been missing from all of our lives since March and there is still nothing concrete on this, but with a big announcement from Boris tomorrow about potential easings of the current UK lockdown situation there could be some good news for Sport.

Reports suggest that there could be a whopping 13 meetings in the first week of Horse Racing being given the nod to come back in the UK.

A provisional list of fixtures for the first week’s return of racing was sent out to trainers by the BHA on Thursday evening.

There would be one meeting on the first day and then two meetings each day for the rest of that week, the courses have still not been named as the BHA suggests that it could have hubs in certain regions of the UK where it was easiest to do so.

Horse Racing Behind Closed Doors

There would be no spectators allowed for the foreseeable future whilst we remain in some form of lockdown and whilst social distancing is enforced.

This will be the new normal for UK Horse Racing but I know if you feel as strongly as I do for the sport you will be glad that it makes a return in any shape or form!

French Horse Racing resumes next week

Longchamp looks set to host the first French Horse Racing meeting since being cancelled in March.

Reports suggest there will be 131 declared runners for 10 races at Longchamp, including last year’s French Derby winner, Sottsass.

There are two more Group Threes on the card to offer nearly €500,000 [£429,000] in prize money.

Racing Resumed In Germany

Racing resumed in Germany last week with a 12-race card at Hannover and overall the picture is starting to look a lot better for sports going forward in nearly every country.

My Thoughts

I personally think that the UK will get horse racing up and running very soon, with some easings coming this Sunday it’s safe to assume that if all goes well we could see a return for Horse Racing in June.

The British public needs something to ease the boredom and they also need something to talk about apart from the same thing we have all spoken about for 6 weeks or so now!

Stay tuned tomorrow night and when the time comes you can get free horse racing tips from some top-quality tipsters on our website.

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