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Sport Of Kings Review

Sport Of Kings Review

Sport Of Kings Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
User Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)


This is a horse racing tipster service offered on the Tipstrr tipping network and its on a steep upward curve at present so there is no better time to have a look at how this tipster works.


Profitable over a long period of time




Been going under a year but has potential

Welcome to this Sport Of Kings Review, this is a horse racing tipster service offered on the Tipstrr tipping network and its on a steep upward curve at present so there is no better time to have a look at how this tipster works.

sport of kings review stats so far
click the image to view full profit and loss records for this tipster

Service Name: Sport Of Kings

Platform: Tipstrr

Membership fee: 28-day trial for £5 followed by £19/month or 3 months for £48, one year for £135 (cheapest)

How to access tips: Website/App/Email

Profitable: Yes

Service Headline: “SPORT Of KINGS is a dynamic professional tipping service that aims to reward its members with exceptional returns on their investment both in the short-term as well as in the long-term.

Some horses that are not favoured or simply ignored present excellent value. It’s in this area, which is inevitably at the mid to long end of the market, where SPORT OF KINGS mostly concentrates on exploring value through a tried and trusted set method as well as assessing ability. Final selections are made using data input and statistical analysis, a unique sifting process, and finally around the table discussions.

Tips are published by 11:30 am (UK time).

A bank of 100 points to a 1 point even staking plan should suffice.”

Betting Bank Required: 100 points

How Does The Sport Of Kings Service Work?

Simple to join Via Tipstrr (free to join) and pay securely via PayPal if you decide to take the 28-day trial for £5 which I recommend taking.

Once you have registered and you are logged in to your Tipstrr account simply navigate to the dashboard where you can see the tipsters selections for the day if any.

You can also get push notifications for any Tipstrr service you sign up for, via the Tipstrr app which is free to download.

The app sends you a notification when the tipster adds a new tip, which saves you time in checking every so often to see if selections have been added.

You can also get an email sent to you each and every time the tipster adds a selection, this is very useful because if you don’t have access to your emails all the time but you have the app you won’t miss a winner.

There are around 30 selections each week added by Sport Of kings.

Is Sport Of Kings Profitable?

Put simply yes it is, they have been tipping horses now since November 2020, they have had 8 winning months and one losing month in that time.

sport of kings profit chart
Overall very profitable selections from Sport Of Kings

Averaging out at £530 per month profit so far, Sport Of Kings is certainly a horse tipster on the upward curve in December 2020 and January 2021 alone they achieved a profit of £3375 so it was a merry Christmas and a happy new year for its members indeed.

There is a 28-day trial offer available for just £5 and I fully recommend taking the trial option so that you can see for yourself and perhaps paper trade selections first.

Have You used Sport Of Kings Horse Racing Tips Service Before?

Previous users of this horse racing tipster are requested to add their own reviews of the service so that our readers can get a full and honest opinion on just how good or bad this tipster is, as we know some services go into decline after a while too.

Please add your Sport Of Kings review below.

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