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SHREWD Tips review

SHREWD Tips Review

SHREWD Tips Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
User Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
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SHREWD Tips is a tipster for horse racing on the ever growing Tipstrr tipping network, it has shown good potential in its 2 years of tipping so far.


Profitable long term

On Tipstrr network

Membership via PayPal secure


Possibly too many selections for some punters

Welcome to this SHREWD Tips review, this is one of a number of profitable horse racing tipsters on the Tipstrr tipping network.

Based on level stakes of £10, SHREWD TIPS has made £5,680 profit in the last 12 months across 2216 horse racing tips (roughly 43 tips per week), giving an average monthly profit of £473.

Tipster Name: SHREWD Tips

Platform: Tipstrr

Membership Fee: 30-day trial for £5 followed by £19/month or 3 months for £48, one year for £135 (cheapest)

How to access tips: Website/App/Email

Profitable: Yes

Headline: “With years of horse racing experience you can be sure you are in good company when following our service. We send the tips during the day with most tips being in the morning with the occasional tip sent later in the day. “

Betting Bank Required: 250 points advised

How Does The SHREWD Tips Service Work?

SHREWD Tips posts daily selections for horse racing on their Tipstrr profile with the only downside being the sheer number of selections for some punters, but had you followed all their selections you would be in profit.

Due to this the betting bank I would advise would be at least 250 points to cover any inevitable losing runs that come with horse racing betting.

Once selections are made you will either receive an email notification from Tipstrr or if you have the free Tipstrr app you will receive a push notification with the selected details and odds.

Alternatively, you can log into your free Tipstrr account and view the tips under your dashboard, signing up for the service is easy and secure via PayPal too.

Selections are usually given in very good time allowing you to find the best odds available and to get your bets placed.

Are SHREWD Tips profitable?

Well, I feel this is a resounding yes delivering over £275 in profit on average for nearly 2 years is about as profitable as you can get.

shrewd tips profit and loss chart
a steep upward curve from SHREWD Tips (click the image to see in more detail)

Judging by past performances yes, Shrewd Tips know what they are doing and have a consistency that is hard to find in the sport, below are the 2023 results so far for Shrewd, and above is their profit and loss chart since launch.

MonthProfit/LossRolling Profit/Loss 2023
Jan 2023£362£362
Feb 2023£136.50£498.50
Mar 2023£109.50£608
Apr 2023-£314.50£293.50
May 2023£809.50£1103

As you can see for 2023 so far the service has delivered a profit of £1103 in 5 months which is an average of £220.60, nothing to sniff at, and has proven its consistency.

I advise you to take the trial and paper trade the selections for thirty days and keep your own records this will give you a clearer picture of if you can make a profit from this service yourself or if there are too many selections for you to keep up with.

Your SHREWD Tips Reviews

Have you used the SHREWD Tips service on Tipstrr before or are you a current member of the service? Please take the time to add your own SHREWD tips review below.

This is so that our readers can get a full and honest opinion on just how good or bad this tipster is, as we know some services go into decline after a while too.

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