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GG Horse Racing Tips

GG Tips Review

Welcome to my GG Tips review. I will keep it simple don’t follow their free selections.

Find out further down this page why I don’t use GG horse tips for profitable betting.

GG Tips is a website offering free daily horse racing tips in an attempt to get you to sign up for a bookmaker account in the process via a free bets offer.

Service Name: GG

Service Price: Free

Amount Of Selections Per Day: 40-50+ (tip for every race at every meeting)

Profitable?: It would be potluck for this to be profitable at any given time. Nobody can pick a selection in every race at every meeting and profit end of.


How to view selections: Visit the Website – for tips for today

Don’t go to GG Horse Racing Tips if you want free horse racing tips and predictions simply join my live tipster trials for daily free selections sent to your inbox.

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About GG Tips And Their Free Horse Racing Tips horse racing tips are more geared toward you signing up to a bookmaker so that they can get a commission as it is more or less a glorified bookmaker affiliate site and not a tipster service you can rely on.

You will notice that they always pick favorites because gamblers like to bet on favorites and when they lose they then chase their money.

This results in huge commissions for these guys as they have just signed you up to the bookmaker in question and get a percentage of your losses (usually as high as 50%).

This is not the type of horse racing tips you want to follow long-term, it’s the quick route to the poor house trust me. Here is an example of how GG Tips selections performed on a given day.

How Many Racing Tips Per Day Do They Give?

42 selections were advised and only 5 winners on a random day I chose to measure its performance, there is a selection for every single race for every single day and nobody can afford to follow these every day.

5 winners from 42 are very poor and if you add into that that 3 were short-priced favorites including a 1/3 shot.

GG Tips offers a selection on every race, every day, this means the number of selections advised per week nobody would be able to bet on everyone.

Advising a selection on every race fixture on a given day means there is a severe lack of in-depth research and quality on offer.

I have concluded that the tips given on the horse racing tips gg page are computer-generated based upon the odds being short.

Call me a skeptic I don’t know but it is not a place I would look to go for solid horse racing predictions GG Horse Racing Tips is not profitable in the long term.

gg nap of the day

GG Tips Of The Day

sometimes they offer the GG tips of the day selections for horse racing these are not much better either. Generic and selected at random possibly by some kind of algorithm or AI these days.

gg tips review


I also took a look around at reviews of and found many had shown huge losses based on their selections some as high as -250 points in a month which is quite startling.

There was even a scam SMS tips service from GG at some point in time so if you are going to go by their selections that is up to you but I advise major caution.

Most reviews state the tips are not worth following long term. The only upside is if you are rubbish at picking horses yourself and you’re going to the races you could follow them instead maybe.


You would have to place about 40-50 single win bets a day on GG tips selections so even if you placed £1 on each that’s £40-£50+ per day.

I predict that if you followed every selection for a week you would be well out of pocket and very miffed with their so-called tips.

After a month of following and betting on every tip advised by GG, it’s easy to decide not to ever do it again, take my word for it.

Your GG Tips Reviews

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