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Fixed Matches

Fixed Matches – Fake Or Real Corruption?

A growing trend currently but are Fixed matches betting a real thing or a massive scam, could there be actual corruption to the massive scale that the social media sites entail?

After running this website for several years and searching for the best football tipsters available for my readers, scoring their results, and forming an honest opinion on them I have always come across fixed matches telegram groups, and social media ads offering fixed matches for today, etc.

I have always wondered in the back of my mind, are these things real? they always want payment in Bitcoin or crypto currency which is almost immediately a red flag but the sheer amount of them these days is quite worrying.

Fixed Matches Betting scam

A quick Google search will reveal millions, yes millions of results! as well as a simple look on social media for football tips will often spring up things like the above image too.

How Do They Offer Fixed Football Match Betting?

Well apart from the obvious they pay off a whole team to lose a match, which isn’t very likely in the big league but a bit more likely in third-world countries, they tend to buy off a single player.

In recent years players like Ivan Toney were charged for match fixing he received an 8-month ban in the end which was reduced because he said he was a gambling addict.

There has also recently been a player called Lucas Paqueta charged for match-fixing for yellow cards, he was getting unnecessary yellow cards because he had been bribed to do so so that punters in these illegal fixed match betting groups could profit.

These groups usually offer a team that will win with around 95% chance (they can’t offer 100% as they haven’t bought off every player), yellow cards are far easier to manipulate, and red cards obviously.

Are They Real Or A Scam?

After scouring the internet and the dark web which seems to be the go-to place where these services hide, many of them are scams, photoshopped images showing wins of bets that were never placed, etc.

But there are a few that do have a feel they could be the real deal, below is an interesting video I came across where the host pays for some of these services to see if they are real or not.

Why You Should Avoid Fixed Games

Just by funding these people with your money in return for the so-called fixed match tip-off, you are engaging in criminal activity, which could be funding organised crime groups, terrorism, or worse.

You should already be aware that match-fixing is illegal and immoral, you are much better off with a proper football tipster, someone who can deliver good results along term, ethically and legally.

Messing with the dark web is not a good idea either like the guy in the vid I do not recommend this, and I certainly don’t recommend paying people for fixed matches, as the video shows nearly all of them are a scam.

Often the odds will disappear or the markets will be suspended if the bookmakers suspect something illegal is going on, don’t be done for fraud and stay on the right side of the law, avoid these betting scam groups like the plague.

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