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Daily Trixies Review

Daily Trixies Review – Gone Without A Trace

Daily Trixies Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
User Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
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Daily Trixies is a Trixie betting service on the Tipstrr network offering three Trixie bets each day for members.


Profitable selections from multiple betting



Welcome to this Daily Trixies Review, this is a multiple betting horse racing tipster service offering three daily Trixie bets per day.

Daily Trixies is hosted on the Tipstrr network and you can read my Tipstrr review here to find out more about the tipping platform as a whole and how it works.

Note: This service stopped operating in 2022

How to join Daily Trixies:

Tipster Name: Daily Trixies


Platform: Tipstrr – Website/Email/App

Service Headline: “Hello all,

I give out three Trixie’s every day, a Trixie is 3 doubles and a treble on three horses.

I advised £5 stakes which equates to £20 for each Trixie bet, so £60 stakes per day.

I, therefore, advise a betting bank of around £1000 to get started this is to cover any inevitable losing runs.

Once selections are advised in the morning no selections are added until the next day.

Enjoy this fun service 🙂

Service Cost: £19  a month or 1 year for £159

Profitable: Yes

Tipping Style:  Normal (3 bets per day)

ROI: Varies due to the high volatility of this service but currently 70%

Is Daily Trixies Profitable?

daily trixies results
Early indications show that this service could be special
free tips from tipstrr

Daily Trixies has made a good start to life netting over £1000 profit in its first month by landing more than one Trixie bet.

Volatility is something that you must consider with this horse racing tipster, Trixie bets require at least two winners from three for a return, if all three landed you are usually in for a payday.

A good week can look like this…

tip results
landing all; three in the Trixie can pay huge

How Does It Work?

Each day three Trixie bets are advised, a Trixie bet is three doubles and a treble.

The stakes advised are £5 so each Trixie costs £20 and there are three advised each day (£60 per day staked).

Selections are always advised in the morning and always before noon.

The betting bank you would need for this service should be at least £1000 in my opinion and you can expect to eat right into that until a selection lands, this volatility may put many off looking for a quick buck.

Very easy to follow and has been very exciting to get the wins that we have so far, you can of course adjust the stakes to suit your budget.

Daily Trixies Review Overview – Is It Worth Joining?

Overall I have to say yes, there have been a few Trixies landed since I have followed the tips and the potential is huge, but you will need to accept long losing runs but massive wins when they come too.

Well worth a try, possibly adjust the advised stakes to £1 to start with this would only cost you £12 per day to follow then and you can see what you think.

There is also a 7-day trial offer for £1 which is worth taking too.

Get a 7 day trial of Daily Trixies Click Here

I am currently live trialing this service with email newsletter subscribers (not joined? You can for free at any time).

Note: This service stopped operating in 2022

Your Daily Trixies Reviews

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