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trapmaster review

Trapmaster Review – The new top dog for greyhound tips?

"We recommend giving the tipster a risk-free 1-week trial and remember even if you do join for a full month after you have a 60-day money-back guarantee for peace of mind."
Trapmaster Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
Comments Rating 4.67 (1 review)


Welcome to our Trapmaster Review, this is a greyhound tipster on the Tipsters4u platform, offering profitable greyhound tips for its members after a successful 4-month proofing period.


  • Full profit loss records
  • Trusted platform
  • proven track record
  • Cheap
  • Very selective


Welcome to our Trapmaster Review, this is a greyhound tipster on the Tipsters4u platform, offering profitable greyhound tips for its members after a successful 4-month proofing period.


Trapmaster is super selective offering just 1-3 selections per week so it’s very easy to follow and very easy to bankroll.

Tipster Name: Trapmaster

Website: tipsters4u.co.uk/trapmaster

Platform: Tipsters4u– Website/Email/App

Headline: Trapmaster is run by a lifelong greyhound racing punter who has been in the mix for years and has honed his techniques in that time and is ready to earn some extra retirement income by selling his profitable tips!

Service Cost: FREE for 7 days trial and then £9.99 a month

Profitable: Yes

Tipping Style: Ultra Selective (around 1-3 tips per week)

ROI: Consistently at about 20% or above

How Does The Trapmaster Service Work?

The Trapmaster service is super simple, you join via Clickbank which is safe and secure (it also gives you a 60-day money-back guarantee as standard).

Once you have signed up your tips are emailed direct to your payment email address as and when the tipster sends them out, this is usually the night before or the morning of the day’s greyhound racing.

There are only between 1-3 selections per week so it won’t take up too much of your time or your bankroll to follow.

How Good Is Trapmaster For Greyhound Tips?

The service fully launched on June 1st, 2023 but had already undergone a 4-month proofing period where the tipster had amassed a total profit of 34.8 points (£348 to just £10 stakes), this is even more impressive when you consider there were only 39 selections advised in this 4 month period.

Trapmaster certainly knows what he is doing. he is on top of our top greyhound tipsters list already.

Is Trapmaster Worth Joining?

An average monthly profit of £87 a month for a service that has a 1-week free trial and costs just £9.99 per month is fantastic value.

We recommend giving the tipster a risk-free 1-week trial and remember even if you do join for a full month after you have a 60-day money-back guarantee for peace of mind.

Trapmaster’s Results for 2023 so far to £10 stakes

MonthProfit/LossRolling Profit Loss For 2023
FEB 2023+£97+£97
MAR 2023+£15+£112
APR 2023+£130.50+£242.50
MAY 2023+£85.50+£328
JULY 2023-£64.90+£265.60

I am sure you will agree that for a service that’s only costing £9.99/month this is very very good

NOTE: Tipster no longer tipping

Your Trapmaster Reviews

Have you used this Greyhound Tipster service before? please write your own review of The Winning Trap below for our readers to get the best possible overall picture of this tipster.

One Response

  1. Ben