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The Winning Tipster Review

The Winning Tipster Review

The Winning Tipster is a horse racing service run by a guy called Gavin since 2013, and it had a proven track record of over 1400 points profit from its inception to the beginning of our review. Naturally, we were enthusiastic about our trial, given its outstanding results.

It no longer operates the service too which is a major red flag.

Unfortunately, our trial turned out to be a jinxed one, where almost everything went wrong from start to finish. Despite proofing the tips for five months, we incurred a loss of 99 points at advised prices, resulting in a high negative ROI of -24%, which is an enormous setback.

The results were slightly better at Betfair SP, with a loss of 85 points incurred. The tips primarily consisted of multiples such as doubles, Trixies, and the like, which have the potential to generate significant returns. However, we only experienced mixed doubles and Trixies, with none of them resulting in full winnings during our trial.

In the past, the service had produced a substantial proportion of its returns through these multiple bets. Perhaps, they were just unlucky during our review. However, we can only evaluate a service based on the returns achieved during our live proofing, which unfortunately means that we have to give The Winning Tipster a FAILED rating for not achieving enough winnings during our trial.

Service Breakdown

Ease of Use: The tips are sent out via email the evening before and the morning of the racing, accompanied by detailed write-ups of the selections and reviews of the previous day’s tips. However, multiple bets can take longer to place than single bets.

Availability of Prices: During our trial, we did not notice any significant pressure on prices. In fact, the Betfair SP results were slightly better than those at the advised prices. However, to place multiple bets, you would need bookie accounts.

Strike Rate: During our trial, the strike rate was 18%, including placed horses, which is lower than the long-term average required to generate a profit.

Advised Betting Bank: We could not find any recommended betting bank for the service. Still, we used a conservative 150-point bank for the trial, and even then, we lost two-thirds of the bank. If a more typical 100-point bank were used, it would have been effectively wiped out.

Subscription Costs: The current subscription costs are £14 per month, £26 for two months, or £37 per quarter at the time of writing.

The Winning Tipster Review – Conclusion

The Winning Tipster service failed to perform as well as we hoped during our trial, resulting in a loss of points and negative ROI. While it is possible that this service may perform better in the future, based on our trial results, we cannot recommend it.

We have no links to this service therefore and we recommend you check out our most successful horse racing tipsters instead if you want to make money from horse betting.

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