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the strict rule system review

The Strict Rule System Review

  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potential
Comments Rating 0 (0 reviews)


The Strict Rule System has massive potential for a betting system and as it has a proven track record and is also proven profitable it’s more than worth taking a punt on it with the trial option.


3 year established service

Proven profitable



Betting systems some times fail (so far this has not)

Welcome to the strict rule system review page, this is a horse racing tipster service that could also be classed as a betting system.

This is due to the selections being based on a tried and tested system from the tipster.

Service Name:  The Strict Rule System

What The Tipster Says: “My service works using a horse racing system that has been tried and tested since 2017 and has proved to be very profitable for our members.”

Average Number Of Selections Per Month: 32-40

Service Cost: £1 for a 7-day trial / £39.99 per month and cheaper the longer membership length you choose.

Where To Join: Strict Rule System

Platform: Tipstrr

The Strict Rule System Review – Worth A Punt?

Strict Rule is very interesting as it states the selections are based on a system, this would normally be a bit of a red flag for me but in this case, it piques my interest because it has turned a profit for over 2 years now.

You will need a betting bank of around £1000 and the tipster states that most bets are based on £10 units. The staking plan is advised as follows with usually 1-2 selections per day.

  • 1 unit Win = This will be the stake for the majority of win bets. 
  • 1 unit e/w = This will be the stake for the majority of each way bets.
  • 2 units Win = This stake will be for bets that I am fairly confident about.
  • 3 units Win = Will only reserve this stake for the selections I am most confident about.  
  • 2 units e/w = Like the 3 unit win bets, this stake will be reserve

Selections are sent out in good time and usually, you can expect them to be up by 9.45 AM UK time or 10.30 at the latest.

The tipster posts daily updates and does offer some knowledge to the less informed punters about how to place certain bets from time to time which is very useful.

As you can see from the overall progress since 2017 this service is reliable and profitable.


The fact it has been going for 3 years now says a lot and it still has shown high success on the horses and is proven to be profitable.

I recommend you take the trial option before becoming a full member.

You can get a trial for 7 days here

Your Strict Rule System Reviews

Have you tried The Strict Rule System service before or are you a current member of the Tipstrr tipping platform in general? Please leave your own review for this tipster for horse racing or the tipping platform itself for others to read and digest.

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