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bad man tipster review

The Badman Tipster Review

Welcome to The Badman Tipster Review page, I have a feeling there will be a fair few comments on this scam tipster service that a quick google search will reveal a lot of bad things about.

We had a fair few emails about it hence why we created this post to reveal a bit more about what badman tipster is and what they do.

Though that could be due to being mixed up with another service of the same name “Badman tipster” I am not sure but this service is not good either as a horse tipster or a football tipster.

I would recommend joining my free newsletter to get quality free tips from normally paid-for tipsters below instead.

Service Name: The Badman Tipster

Tipping Style: Hard to follow

Service Price: Free but bombards you with betting sign-up offers a lot

Platform: Website

Profitable: Yes

Hosted By: Tipstrr

Service Headline: “Hi, I’m Matt and this is my betting tips website where I’ll share sports bets and the best bookmaker sign-up offers. 18+, Please Gamble Responsibly.”

Average Number Of Selections Per Month: 1-2 every day

Money Back Guarantee: NO

Bankroll advised: 1000 points+

The Badman Betting Review – Why its a scam

The so-called Badman Tipster (badman betting) is simply offering free selections in the hope you will sign up to his bookmakers via his affiliate links which gets him paid 30% of your losses.

When you bet on his tips which he gives for free and it loses he makes money as you signed up to the bookies with him, so it doesn’t make any sense for him to give you tips that are going to win.

It would not be worth all his time and effort for you to win and he goes into negative payout for his commissions each month, he is hooking you in to lose and that is the scam.

The Badman Tipster also has a huge following, now this raises questions in itself because I am not convinced his following are real followers (he currently has over 185,000 Twitter followers).

I had a quick look at his followers and noticed a lot don’t seem to be real accounts I could be wrong, but there is another red flag and that is that none of his tweets get above 50 likes, now from an engaged following of over 185,000 I would expect way more than that.

I feel this is to give the impression that a lot of people are following his bets and give new followers confidence in him that may be unjustified.

Why You Should Avoid The Badman if you want to make a profit long term

His selections or the badman tips as they are called are mainly accumulators and what I would classify as fun bets, others see them as get-rich-quick bets but don’t know that the chances of winning them are next to nothing for the most part.

You will need a huge bank balance to follow this guy and though he may get the odd winner here and there it’s pot luck and you won’t make money long-term.

For this reason, I cannot recommend you follow this one and a lot of other proofing sites have said the same.

I would recommend visiting the football tipsters section of my website to find a better alternative to this guy’s services.

Have you used The Badman Betting Tipster? Please add your reviews of this tipsters selections below