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Self Exclusion

Self Exclusion How To Do It Right

Want to know how to apply Self Exclusion the right way? If you are a player that is struggling with gambling excluding yourself from bookmakers and casinos with services like Gamstop is one way to take back control of your life.

Gamstop enables you to ban yourself from every bookmaker and casino in the UK in one go, all you need to do is register and fill in the form and it’s done, for anything up to 5 years or more.

Please also read our responsible gambling guide if you are unsure if you have a problem or not.

Gamstop Is Just Step 1 For Some

Many will register with Gamstop and still find ways around it so here are some other tips to help you stop losing money you can’t afford, or that could be going to a better place…

  • Block gambling transactions on your cards with your bank – many banks now have a feature that will block any gambling transactions on your card, once applied it cannot be removed straight away which can help you avoid impulsive gambling losses.
  • Anti-Gambling Software – You can also purchase software that will block access to gambling websites, services such as GamBan are incredible and offer support and guidance.
  • Block Gambling adverts on all your devices – Blocking any form of gambling advert can also help prevent impulsive gambling, Gambleaware has a fantastic post on how to do this.

prevent impulsive gambling

Other Ways To Prevent Gambling

There are other alternative methods to prevent unwanted gambling after you have applied a self exclusion and here are just a few of them.

Find Your Triggers

What triggers you to start gambling? depression? your job? or something else? finding out the root cause and trying to avoid it or alter it so it doesn’t happen anymore can give you a head start in fixing the problem.

Stop Socialing With Other Gamblers

Probably the hardest one for people who have a lot of friends who gamble but staying away from these people even for a short while can have a dramatic effect.

Any form of addiction is often made worse by socialising with people or friends in the same situation or egging you on to gamble in this example.

Inform Your Significant other

If you are married, or have a partner or close friend, sometimes just telling someone and admitting you have a problem is a major step on the road to recovery.

The love and support of family or a spouse can dramatically improve your chance of success in preventing unwanted gambling.

Practice Gratitude And Or Meditation

Some may find this a bit out there but don’t knock something until you have tried it, I have begun meditation and find it incredible at regulating my mood, making me happier and more social.

Just being grateful for what you have sometimes is enough to stop your gambling urge for some, gambling is a way of trying to get something you don’t have, but at the same time, you are making your current situation worse.

Get A Hobby

Spending your spare time doing something more productive or doing something you like can drastically improve your mood and reduce the likelihood of you gambling.

Get outdoors and move about more too, and get your 10,000 steps in, all these things are just another way of improving yourself as a whole and stopping the problem from returning.

alternatives to gambling

Use The Money You Would Have Lost Elsewhere

Having a target on what you would like to use the money you would have otherwise lost is a good way of refocusing your attention on something good,

This may be clearing a debt, or paying for a long-haul trip for you and your partner or family.

The feeling of using money in a better way can also make you feel a lot better about yourself.

Progress can happen every day in your journey, keep a record of what you may have felt like gambling somewhere and instead put that money in a locked ISA (one you can’t take out the money for a year), after that year elapses you will get a payout and will feel like you have won anyway without a risk.

Self Exclusion Will Give Back Some Control Immediately

Once you have successfully applied your self exclusion you will immediately start to reap the benefits, and if you also follow the other advice above you will be well on your way.

That being said if you are still struggling with gambling even after trying all of the above we recommend that you get in touch with Gamblers Anonymous who have meetings and give support to compulsive gamblers who are at their wits end.

Remember there is always a way out but if you are feeling like there isn’t get in touch with Samaritans you can call them for FREE anytime anywhere in the UK on 116 123.

We wish you all the best in your recovery! Hang in there you can and will do it!

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