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Landry Horse Racing Review

Landry Horse Racing Review

Landry Horse Racing Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potenital
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Landry is a very impressive horse racing tipster service on the Tipstrr paltform. Delivering no losing months at the time of writing and averaging almost £1000 in profits each month to the stakes advised.


Huge profits Big potential Cheap


Large number of bets per day

Welcome to my Landry Horse Racing Review, in this review I will give you an in-depth look at this professional horse racing tipster and give you an insight if it’s profitable long-term or not.

UPDATE 2023 – Tipster no longer in operation

Service Name: Landry Horse Racing Tips

Tipping Style:  Aggressive

Service Price: £10 for a week or £19/month

Platform: Website/Email/App

Profitable: Yes

Hosted By: Tipstrr

Service Headline: “Landry Horse Racing has made £13,136.20 profit all-time across 3452 Horse racing tips (roughly 59 tips per week), based on an average stake of £10 (5/10 units) giving an average monthly profit of £963.43”

Where To Join:

Average Number Of Selections Per Month: 200-250

Money Back Guarantee: No

Betting Bank Required: £1000 minimum

Landry Horse Racing How Does It Work?

Landry mainly focuses on each-way selections for horse racing ad often gives out around 6-10 tips each day, this may mean those with a lower betting bank may want to leave this one out.

Selections are advised at around 9 am each morning and in a timely manner and there are also regular posts from the tipster to keep members up to date on progress so far.

Landry is averaging an ROI at over 20% and has been tipping horse racing now since September 2019.

The average profit per month to advised stakes (usually £5 each way) is now over £1100, incredible to say the least.

Though for some there may be a lot of bets each day if you have the time and bankroll Landry is a proven profitable horse racing tipster and is a solid addition to any betting portfolio.

You can join Landry Horse Racing tips here

Landry Horse Racings Results So Far

Since its launch in September 2019 Landry has amassed over £11,000 in profit, here is a breakdown of each month’s results so far.

September 2019 – +£1,255.88

October 2019 – +£386.44

November 2019 – +£736.59

December 2019 – +£1,620.58

January 2020 – +£616.69

February 2020 – +£226.42

March 2020 – +£210.82 (Covid outbreak until June when racing resumed)

June 2020 – +£302.52

landry horse racing tips profit charts
Click here to see full profit loss results for Landry
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Overall I think Landry is a solid each way horse racing service that requires some serious consideration, and at just £19 per month, this service is cheap!

I have added this to the best tipsters section of the website as it’s easily one of the most profitable horse racing tipsters online currently.

You can join Landry Horse Racing tips here

Your Landry Horse Racing Reviews

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