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king of the picks review

King of the Picks Review – horse tipper still on the throne?

King of the Picks Review 29
  • Value For Money
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  • Potenital
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are you looking for a reliable and effective horse racing tipster? Then you might want to consider Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks. In this review, we will provide you with all the necessary information about this horse racing tips service, including its features, benefits, and any limitations.


  • 30-day money-back guarantee
  • Proven track record
  • Informative write-ups
  • Great customer service


  • Not as profitable as some services but price wise still very good

Welcome to our King Of The Picks Review, are you looking for a reliable and effective horse racing tipster? Then you might want to consider Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks. In this review, we will provide you with all the necessary information about this horse racing tips service, including its features, benefits, and any limitations.

Headline: “Since I started the King of the Picks service the profits have grown from £0 TO £14, 046”

Service Cost: from £29 per month, £79 per quarter, £150 half yearly or £259 per year

Bank Advised: Hugh advised working from a 200-point betting bank. The majority of stakes are 1 Point Each Way.

Platform: Clickbank

Where to join:

Tipping Style: Varies on which tipster you choose

Horse Racing betting is a popular activity among punters, and it can be a lucrative source of income for those who know how to do it right. However, it’s not always easy to make the right picks, especially if you’re new to the game. That’s where betting tipsters come in.

They provide you with expert insights and tips to help you make better picks and increase your chances of winning. One such advisor is Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks.

About Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks

Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks is a sports betting service that provides users with daily picks, insights, and betting strategies.

The service covers Horse Racing in the UK & Ireland both on the flat and over the jumps.

The service is run by Hugh Doyle, a professional sports bettor with over a decade of experience in the industry.

Features of Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks

You want to know what you get when joining by reading our king of the picks review so let’s take a look! here are some of the key features of Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks:

Daily Picks

Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks provides users with daily picks for a wide range of sports. The picks are based on Hugh Doyle’s expert analysis and research and are designed to help users make better betting decisions.

Betting Strategies

In addition to providing picks, Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks also offers users betting strategies that they can use to increase their chances of winning. The service provides users with insights into various betting strategies, including win, each way, and multiples betting.

User-Friendly Interface

Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to navigate and find the information they need. The website is well-designed and easy to use, with clear instructions and helpful tips.

It’s easy to register and start receiving the horse racing tips as and when they are sent out which is usually the day before or on the morning of the day’s horse racing action.

Customer Support

Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks provides excellent customer support to its users. The service has a dedicated customer support team that is available to answer any questions or concerns that users may have.

Benefits of Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks

Here are some of the benefits of using Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks:

king of the picks review profit and loss chart

Long term Profits

As you can see by the above graph Hugh Doyle has steadily increased the betting bank of his members over time, the sign of a good horse racing tipster is a profit loss chart that is on a gradual upward curve over time.

Here is a detailed look at how the King of the picks service has performed since launch month by month…

kotp results

Expert Analysis

Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks provides users with expert analysis and insights that they can use to make better betting decisions. Hugh Doyle has over a decade of experience in the sports betting industry and has a proven track record of success.

User-Friendly Interface

Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks has a user-friendly interface that makes it easy for users to find the information they need. The website is well-designed and easy to navigate, making it a great choice for both beginners and experienced bettors.

Betting Strategies

Hugh Doyle’s King of the Picks provides users with a range of betting strategies that they can use to increase their chances of winning. This means that users can try out different strategies and find the one that works best for them.

Money Back Guarantee

Yes, a full 30-day money-back guarantee is available. Trial and test the King of the Picks service for 30 days and see if it works for you.

King Of The Picks Review – Conclusion

One of the best horse racing tipsters around since 2022 Hugh Doyle has gradually grown the service bankroll over time and has done so with a consistent and steady approach.

We recommend you take the plunge and give his service a try because you can do so risk-free with a 30-day money-back guarantee, you don’t even need to back them for the first month so you can see how well he is doing.

As always we will update you on this horse racing tipster’s performance in the next few months.

Your King Of The Picks Reviews

Have you used the king of the picks horse racing tips service before or are you a current member? Please add your own review for our readers to see and make an informed choice on whether this tipster is still delivering profits overall.

Don’t forget to check out our daily free horse racing tips if you don’t want to pay anything upfront just yet.

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