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Heli's Horses Review

Heli’s Horses Review

Helis Horses Review
  • Value For Money
  • Profitability
  • Potential
Comments Rating 5 (1 review)


Helis Horses is a very profitable horse racing tipster service on the Tipstrr network that is fully worth joining.


Huge potential


Easy to follow


Nothing yet

Welcome to the long-awaited Heli’s Horses Review this service has now made it 15 months from 17 in profit and so has been approved as one of the best horse racing tipsters.

helis horses tipster info
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Heli’s Horses has since become a Tipstrr Pro service meaning it maintains the highest standard of service and profitability out of all its services.

Important Update: 2022 – Heli has certainly taken a turn for the worst form-wise and now appears to have stopped tipping

Service Name: Heli’s Horses

Tipping Style:  Average (around 25 tips per week)

Service Price: 1 Month is £39 or 3 Months is £89

Platform: Website/Email/App

Profitable: Yes

Hosted By: Tipstrr

Service Headline: “ As you already have seen this is horse racing only in here. For me, Racing is by far the easiest sport to win at, the sport with the most valuable opportunities. That’s the bright side of what I am doing here. When you give it a go and are able to fight the storms (variance, limitations) you’ll make a healthy long-term profit with my portfolio picks. ”

Where To Join:

Average Number Of Selections Per Month: 120 on average

Money-Back Guarantee: NO

Heli’s Horses Review – More Info And Why It’s Approved By Me

Heli has really outdone himself in the last 17 months making a profit in 15 of those and only having one bad month and one small loss month.

I added Heli’s horses to the most successful horse racing tipsters page due to its sheer consistency.

Below you can see the full breakdown of Heli’s Horses’ results for the last year or so (click the image to see more)

helis horses profit and loss
Click the image above to view in more detail

With a 24.1% ROI over a year, this is a no-brainer to join, and often you can get a decent-priced trial offer there (at the time of writing a £6 trial is on offer).

Selections are sent out usually between 9 am and mid-day so you will have plenty of time to get your bets on and get the best odds possible.

Outstanding consistency with Heli’s Horses who for me now is rivaling nearly all of the best horse racing tipsters you may know of.

You can get notifications from the Tipstrr app any time selections are added so you will never miss one.

The odds of selections are not purely favorites like many services either I have seen winners of up to 33/1 so far and decent prices are consistently advised and to good effect.

Overall I really do recommend you check this service out 15 months out of 17 in profit really does speak for itself.

You can find out more and join Heli’s Horses On A Trial here

Your Heli’s Horses Reviews

Have you tried The Heli’s Horses service before or are you a current member of the Tipstrr Pro tipping platform in general? Please leave your own review for this tipster for horse racing and the tipping platform itself for others to read and digest.

One Response

  1. Javed
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