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Greyhound Racing Betting

Get the Most Out of your Greyhound Racing Betting

Greyhound Racing Betting is not easy, as Greyhound racing is a competitive sport in various parts of the world. The competition sees hundreds of greyhound dogs compete against each other around a track. Greyhound racing is mostly amateur in many countries and purely for enjoyment.

In other countries, such as Australia, Mexico, the Republic of Ireland, Spain, Macau, the United States, and the United Kingdom, it is part of the betting industry. Betting on Greyhound is fun, and simple and it gives you a chance to make some cash!

Beginners should not rush off to placing wagers, before familiarizing themselves with the sport. You see, as easy as Greyhound betting is, it is not easy to get every aspect of it right when you are just starting.

Again, even as an experienced bettor, sometimes you may get it all wrong, if you don’t observe certain tips and strategies. For you to become a pro in Greyhound race betting, make use of the tips we recommend below.

Learn More about Dogs Racing

You see, just like in other sports where you focus on learning more about teams and players, the same should be the case with Greyhound betting. Don’t just place bets blindly without prior knowledge of the dogs that will be racing.

Take time to know which dogs will take part and also familiarize with basic stats regarding the dogs. You don’t need to read about all the dogs. You can pick a few, from which you can make choices of the dogs you are convinced will likely win the race.

Alternatively, check out if any Greyhounds that performed well in previous competitions will be involved. Knowledge is power, and there is nothing that guarantees better winning chances than having knowledge of the dogs that will take part in a competition.

Choose a Great Betting Site

A quick search on the internet will give you many betting sites that promise to deliver a great Greyhound betting experience. Don’t fall prey to such promises. Many of these don’t deliver exactly what they promise.

You need to check out several pages to ascertain their credibility and then choose one of them from this list. Good sites will have information about greyhound racing, helping you learn more about the sport, even if you’re an experienced punter.

On some websites, you get more than a guide. You get a list of the best greyhound betting sites in the UK. It’s up to you to make a decision on which site to join after comparing their offers. A quick tip: compare multiple features like bonus size, wagering requirements, and games supported. That way, you get to join a site that will deliver a smooth betting experience.

Be Selective

Greyhound betting presents several betting options. Often, you may be tempted to wager on as many options as possible to spread risks. After all, there are plenty of possibilities for getting your money down.

While the opportunities are many, it is important you be selective. Placing too many bets can be as damaging as wagering too much money. It will likely result in losing your money quickly.

Again, when you place lots of bets, it is hard to consistently select sensible options. So, it’s better to concentrate on finding good opportunities. Placing a few and well-thought-out bets will most likely yield better outcomes than randomly wagering on anything. Don’t place a bet simply because you want to, but do so knowing your aim is to make money from the bet.

Compare Odds and Lines

The tip is one of the easiest to follow. Comparing odds as well as lines is quite easy, and it takes a few minutes whenever you are placing a bet. The odds your bookmaker places on the participating dogs can give you a hint on the one they predict will win.

Sites have different odds and lines, but the difference is usually very minimal. Comparing odds is probably something you do before you settle on a betting site. The objective is to find the one with better odds to maximize the chances of higher payouts.

Alternatively, read greyhound tipster reviews and bet based on the best-performing tipsters. You’ll save a lot of time in the research process and increase your chances of winning.

Learn the Lingo

There are lots of words and phrases used in Greyhound betting, some of which you might not be familiar with. You will learn most of these with time, but it does not hurt to learn some of them before you get started.

You could, for instance, take time to learn the different types of bets offered by bookmakers in regard to Greyhound betting. You don’t want to find yourself confused when you want to place a bet but you don’t have an idea of the meaning of the options available.

Ignore Personal Bias

Most bettors place wagers on sports, teams, players, or animals that they love watching. It is natural to favorite teams, players and animals, but this doesn’t mean you should always bet on them.

You should not bet on what you want to happen without considering if that will be the likely outcome. When betting for real money, don’t let bias affect your judgment. Even if your friend’s or family’s dog is part of the competition, don’t bet on it if the chances of winning are slim.

Trust Your Judgement

This is one of the tips that most people ignore, yet it has the power to help bettors place more winning bets. When betting on a Greyhound race, it is important you trust your judgment. You will come across many sites promising to offer expert advice in regard to wagering on the race.

Although there is nothing wrong with considering their opinions, try not to be swayed by every option you come across. Put faith in your analysis above every other option. If you decide to rely on information from other people, make sure they are experts in Greyhound betting.


Greyhound betting is as thrilling as watching the sport. If you are a fan of betting on animal races, you will definitely love wagering on Greyhound racing. The betting options are vast and there are plenty of betting sites that you can trust.

If it’s greyhound tips you are after be sure to check out some of the greyhound tipsters we have reviewed.

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