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Can Lotto Be Played on Lockdown Level 3?

Can Lotto Be Played on Lockdown Level 3?

Can Lotto Be Played on Lockdown Level 3? No one expected that after fires ravaging Australia and the Amazonian rainforest, we were in for a much more unpleasant surprise: the COVID-19 pandemic. In the ensuing chaos and uncertainty, people living in regions all around the world had to adjust their lives to avoid transmitting the deadly virus to others.

We stopped meeting with our friends, staying in our homes instead, and if possible – working remotely. Soon we discovered that although the internet can be an excellent source of fun and entertainment, we are social beings. Sure, the technology made it much easier – we now have means to video chat with others, and Netflix is full of interesting TV series, but in the end, there’s nothing like a face-to-face conversation and a friendly hug.

Unfortunately, it doesn’t take much to transmit COVID-19 to others, which means that we’ll have to abstain from social gatherings for now. If you are looking for ways to kill time and not lose your sanity in the process, you might be wondering whether Lotto can be played on lockdown level 3. If that’s the case, below, you will find an answer.

What About Lotto in the Times of COVID-19 Pandemic?

The short answer is: yes, you can play Lotto on lockdown level 3. Depending on where you live, individual Lotto places might be unavailable, which is why we advise you to make a call before you go there physically. However, during lockdown level 3, playing Lotto is not prohibited.

However, if you decide to go there in person, we strongly urge you to keep your distance from other people and cover your mouth with a face mask. Masks aren’t the perfect solution, but they do decrease the possibility of infecting other people. You might not even know that you are carrying the virus, especially if you are a young and healthy individual. Most people don’t have any symptoms, but it doesn’t mean that they cannot inadvertently harm others.

Safety Measures

All those safety measures might seem inconvenient, but currently, more than 800,000 people died from COVID-19 worldwide. You might not know personally anyone who died because of it, but the consequences of this pandemic will be felt for a long time – we should do everything we can to minimize the death toll.

Although it might be a bit of a different experience, to avoid the possibility of getting infected or infecting other people, you could stick to online lotteries until a vaccine for COVID-19 is developed. If you’ve been playing Lotto for years, then any adjustments to your routine might be difficult, but if you don’t know where to start, you can check out, where you can find a list of reputable online lotteries.

Playing Lotto online is popular because of several reasons:

  • You aren’t limited just to several types of lotteries. Instead, thanks to the internet, it is possible to try your luck in whatever type of lottery you choose. However, we recommend doing a little bit of research beforehand; otherwise, you could end up transferring your hard-earned money to some shady organizations.
  • If you have trouble exercising self-control, then the world of online gambling might be intimidating, but let’s be honest: it’s more convenient. You don’t have to go anywhere physically – all that you need is an internet connection and a laptop, smartphone, or tablet. It means that you aren’t limited by time or space, as you can play Lotto online without leaving your room and at any time of the day or night.

Dealing With Lockdown

Some individuals might be surprised that during the times of pandemic, people play the Lotto as if everything is completely fine with the world. However, although, as we have previously mentioned, exercising caution is essential to avoid spreading the virus even further, people need entertainment, or their mental health will suffer. Psychologists from all around the world warn that the lockdown will have a long-term effect on our mental health.

Although the situation is far from simple, we should consider how many people will commit suicide or fall into depression because of changes to their lifestyle. However, we don’t claim that we have the answers or the solution to this problem; rather, we would like to point out that we haven’t been in a similar situation for about 100 years, and the way society functions has changed dramatically since then.


As a result, the actions of many governments have been less than perfect, but we shouldn’t assign them too much bad will. Instead, we just don’t know which solution might be best.

One thing we know is that we’ll have to wait a few months before the vaccine is developed and deemed safe, which means that in the meantime, we have to find ways not to let our minds fall into despair. For some people, it will include gambling, and we shouldn’t judge them too harshly.

However, it’s important to avoid infecting others, which is why we recommend temporarily switching to playing Lotto online.

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