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Are Horse Racing Tipsters Worth It?

Are Horse Racing Tipsters Worth It?

Most punters worth their salt will know that tipsters exist but are horse racing tipsters worth it when it comes to paying them for their selections to secure a long-term profit?

The quick answer is yes they are, but many different factors need to be taken into account before you do a search for horse racing tipsters and join the first one that tickles your fancy.

There are thousands of horse tipsters out there and unfortunately, not all of them are honest and transparent about their services, results, and even profit.

Using our smart betting guide to filtering out the bad actors you can drastically improve your chances of being successful with a tipster service.

The Factors That Matter

You don’t simply want to pay for something in full before you have been given a chance to see if the things that are promised are true and you also don’t know if this person who is asking for money for their tips is in a position to do so, here are the main factors you should take into account when paying for horse racing tips.

Trial Options

Ideally if for example a tipsters service costs £29 per month and they look like they are having great results you don’t want to just take it at face value, a trial option should be anything from free to a few pounds and shouldn’t be anywhere near the full monthly membership fee.

This will give you a chance to try the tipster’s selections out for some time and will give you an overall insight into how good or bad they are.

Safe Payment Options

You should be able to pay securely with something like Paypal where your details are safe and you will also be able to file a dispute should the tipster not deliver on what they promised.

Paypal will also enable you to be able to cancel at any time by going into your account and your payments section.

A full record of their tips and results

A full record of every selection they have advised, the odds, the stake, and the results is paramount it really will let you dig into how their tips are advised, how often, and whether they are profitable long term.

Remember this isn’t the only factor and some unscrupulous services may alter or even fake their results.

Customer Service

There is always a chance that some services are completely fake and set up just to take your money and not even give tips to you, this is where its always worth emailing the tipsters contact address to see how responsive they are.

Unresponsive services are a red flag, should they not reply at all chances are there isn’t much point in joining.

If they do reply it gives you a chance to get to know who you are paying and whether they are the type of person to trust.


Anyone can just pick random horses and football teams to win right? well, this is where the reasoning comes into it write-ups are a very good way to see how professional a service is.

You want to see why you are being told to back this horse and the write-up is a great way for the tipster to tell you why they have concluded this horse has a great chance of winning the race.

Staking Plan

Staking plans should be advised by a tipster this is how much they advise you to stake on their selections with a scale it also tells you how much of a betting bank you will need just to get started.

Betting banks are important you don’t want to start following £10 advised stakes on horses where there could be 3 or more tips daily with a bankroll of just £30, because if they all lose you have no money left.

You need to be able to cover the losing runs which are indeed inevitable, it’s how a tipster performs over the long term, not the short term.

Most tipsters advise points where a 1 point win for example would be £10, 2 points £20, and so on but another service may have a point as £5.


So are horse racing tipsters worth it? Yes, they do work but you will need to take your time in researching them and trying them out first before you start risking your bankroll on their selections.

Remember you, can’t judge, a tipster on just a few weeks of tipping either, profit is obtained in the long term so you want to find services that have a proven track record over at least 6 months.

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