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UK Gambling Commission Accused of Nannying British Gamblers

UK Gambling Commission Accused of Nannying British Gamblers

One of the most highly regulated countries of the world regarding gambling is of course the United Kingdom, and as far as the organisation that is tasked with overseeing, licensing and regulating all gambling activities in the UK, that is the UK Gambling Commission.

The UKGC as they are also known, have been accused over the years of being way too protective of gamblers, and have been accused of being part of a nanny state when it comes to telling gamblers what they can or cannot do when gambling online, on a mobile app or when visiting a UKGC licensed land-based gambling venue.

The UKGC have told casino game designers recently that they must not allow players of any type of casino game to be given an option of putting into place an auto play setting that allows them to play off a large number of spins, nor must players be allowed to buy a feature on any type of slot machine.

In fact, they are about to impose a new maximum stake limit on slot machines found at any UK licensed online or mobile casino sites of £2 per spin, which they also recently did with betting shop operators regarding the FOBT’s found inside such venues.

Monitoring Online Gamblers Accounts

When you do enjoy gambling in any shape or form, and you do not have any problems being able to control fully your gambling activities, then one aspect of gambling at any UK licensed gaming site that can often drive you to distraction is that all such sites are required to monitor your accounts held with them.

What you will often find, is that if you are the type of casino game player for example that does like to make many deposits into your casino site accounts, when you make a certain number of deposits during a certain time period is that someone from the casinos support team may contact you.

When they do so they may ask you whether you can afford to play for the stakes you are playing for and whether you can afford to make continued deposits into your casino accounts too, which is all part and parcel of a gambling site’s responsible gambling policy.

I have also heard of many casinos demanding from their customers bank statements that prove the funds they are gambling with are their funds and have been acquired by them in a legitimate way too, so that is something you may have to do when gambling at some casino sites online that are licensed in the UK.

Risks of Signing Up to Gamstop

There will often come a point in time when some gamblers will experience a long run of bad luck no matter what they choose to gamble on, and that is often when they will make the sensible decision to cut back on their gambling activities until such a time arrives when their luck changes.

Some people will choose to make use of the service that is offered by Gamstop, for they are an organisation that have been set up to allow those that feel their gambling activities have got so out of hand that they need some help in giving up gambling altogether.

They offer a service whereby anyone that is a gambler online can add their name to a database that is accessed by all UK based and UK licensed gambling site operators, and once someone’s name is added to that database they will have their accounts closed at all casino, poker betting and bingo sites that utilize that database.

ust be aware though, that when your name is included on that database you will be self-excluding yourself from all gambling sites and apps that are licensed by the UK Gambling Commission and will not be allowed to open any new accounts with those companies either.

Find Non Gamstop Gambling Sites Online

You should always compare non Gamstop gambling sites if you are looking to gamble online and at one time or another have signed up and added your name to that self-exclusion database.

However, please do ask yourself why you did sign up to that database in the first place, and if it was due to you having a gambling related problem, have you really got over that problem and can now gamble in a responsible way.

If the answer to that question is no, then please do not start gambling again, but if you do feel you can now control you real money gambling activities then put some added protections into place to ensure that you are never going to be putting yourself in a position whereby you could deposit and lose more money than you may have initially intended to do, and always gamble responsibly.

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